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1.46 Campari as an elite brand 3.10 The Milanese market 4.17 The world of the factory is the factory of the world 6.22 Pop & glamour 7.29 The dawn of mass advertising 10.47 Depero and Read more…
Images Suggested Readings Daniele Baroni, Maurizio VItta, Breve Storia del Design Grafico, Longanesi Marina Mojana, Ada Masoero, Depero con Campari, De Luca Vv. Aa., Depero Futurista, Electa Gabriella Belli, Beatrice Avanzi, Depero Pubblicitario, Skira Vv. Aa., Futurist Manifestos Read more…
There’s a small piece of art in almost every fridge, even in yours. It’s from the Twenties, the time when an avant-garde artist (Fortunato Depero) and an entrepreneur (Davide Campari) proved that ads could be Read more…